Improve My Game Jam 20 Shrink 'n' Stretch.

Day 1: Being an elf with Visual Studio Code

I started after a day of school. Had some trouble figuring out VS code's error highlighting. For some reason, Omnisharp was trying to reach a directory in Visual Studio (not Visual Studio Code), even though I deleted Visual Studio because it was taking up space. After a bunch of shenanigans, I ended up doing some basic recoding of the camera and player.

The camera should now not be jittery on monitors with a refresh rate higher than 60. Camera now acts on LateUpdate() instead of FixedUpdate(). Not the most productive, but ah well. I also decided to boost the movement speed of the player (33% faster) since I think it was a bit slow.

Day 2: Being an elf with Blender

Forgot what I did this day... Oh yeah that's because I spent 99% of the day trying to figure out why SpryTile was changing the grid size in Blender! In case you do not know, SpryTile is a blender addon that allows you to easily UV texture stuff. Basically, you click, then it sets the polygon's UV's to the edge of the tile! In English, that means you click to paint tiles.

I was having an issue, though. For some reason, loading in a tileset caused the grid size to change, which made editing with tile-based maps basically impossible. Not having gotten much done, I went to bed tonight.

Day 3: Textures are awesome

After a bit of struggling, I decided "SpryTile is not going to fix itself; I should just edit the source code!" I did exactly that. I ended up finding the lines that caused the grid scale change, and removed them! I could finally get on with modeling! I started to remodel the stages. For reference, the original stages were just made out of Unity cubes. The unity cubes worked, but texturing them is a nightmare.

Day 4: Puzzle designing!

In the original game, after you got both the grow bolt and the key, it was basically just a check if you had them before you got to the boss. Now, you have a puzzle to solve that uses the grow bolt before you get to the boss! I then made a boss arena and started to work on the boss.

Day 5: Bossy

Remember the original game's "boss"? Granted, I only had 2 days for the original game, but the "boss" at the end was just a regular enemy at 4x size, and you didn't even have to kill it!

This new boss though, you fight in an actual arena, and you have to shrink it down with 34 bolts! (that's 30 more HP than the og's boss!) It spins and dashes at you, and I even composed a totally crazy boss track, too!

Day 6: Finishing Touches.

I added a start menu and an ending menu, and composed a VERY basic drum track for the menus. I got lazy here as I feel like I was running out of steam in general, so I decided to just add menus and call it there.

In order to give myself breathing room, I decided to publish it today, a day before the deadline.


All in all, I am glad I updated this game a bit, but I feel like I didn't have the best of foundations for it, and the code got very messy and bad as well. Hopefully, I can make a project with better structured code next time, and a stronger idea. This is probably the end of development for this game. More can be done with this idea, but I feel like I have done all I can think of with it. If you want to expand upon the idea, go for it! Source code is available if you feel like modifying it (well, it's so spaghetti idk if you can)! 

Music note:

I composed the music using Aria Maestosa (midi editor). The sound font I used was the Xiaod Bank Soundfont, a really good General Midi sound font. Music is provided in both the original .aria files and the .midi files in the source code.

Files Play in browser
Mar 31, 2022 6 MB
Mar 31, 2022 41 MB
Mar 31, 2022

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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! Pretty good project, I played on mouse and keyboard and remaining diagonal to shoot the enemies was nearly impossible. Perhaps make a lock-on system that allows you to shoot towards the nearest enemy or maybe even just make projectiles home in a little bit on the nearest enemy. Another Thing that would really spice up gameplay would be a little dash that the player could do to avoid the bottles. As far as additional game polish, I would like to see a little bob on the character when walking just to liven him up a bit.

Thanks for your feedback. I couldn't really figure out a good aiming system for keyboard, and I wanted to keep things similar on keyboard and controller. Thing is, I programmed in an 8 direction lock on controller as well to keep things similar on both keyboard and controller. I'd have no idea about how to program a lock-on-target system, and it would be really confusing for crate puzzles. In retrospect, it would have been smarter if I went with a 2d game so aiming was possible with both a mouse and controller.

A dash sounds like a great idea, though! It would make back tracking more fun, and it would also be great for dodging enemy attacks, and it would also be a great puzzle tool as well! I'll keep this in mind if I make another dungeon crawler! 

Adding a little bob animation also sounds like a great idea! Thanks for the feedback on this game, and I really enjoyed your game, Project Heir, too!